What do the recent tech job cuts mean?

Amazon, Asana, Meta, Twitter, Oracle, Walmart, Google. That is just a short list of companies that have recently announced that they’re reducing their staff significantly. Is it cause for concern? Probably. Is it cause for celebration? Probably. There’s plenty in the news about why you should be concerned. Let’s talk about why you may want […]
Costly Recruiting Lessons We Must Remember: A Roundtable Discussion

Contributors: Andy Pittman, Vice President Global Talent at ShipBob, Inc and former Vice President of Talent Strategy at Mailchimp Phillip Chen, head of Global Talent Acquisition Operations & Strategy at OneTrust Josh McAfee, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Humans Doing and WSJ & USA Today bestselling author of Measure Up: Mastering Your Career Search Like […]
Are you suffering from the “OK, Boomers?”

By Josh McAfee Generational divides and tension have become a cliché. From “get off my lawn” to “kids these days…” to “ok, boomer,” there have been unintentional walls thrown up between people grouped together by the date on their birth certificates. Unfortunately, those walls can block us from finding talent or maximizing our careers. Recently, […]
How to Need Recruiters Less

By Josh McAfee What if I told you that you may not need a recruiter at all? That may seem like strange advice coming from a recruiting company, especially considering the job market. The hiring process has gotten complicated and competitive. Catching the attention of the good candidates you actually need is a daunting and […]
What are Recruiter Red Flags that companies should watch out for?
There’s good, bad, ugly, and everything in between when it comes to most things. Recruiting is no exception. From corporate recruiters to external agencies to executive search recruiters, you’ll find some are better than others. When companies find themselves short staffed and scrambling to meet the demands of their customers, they’ll feel the pressure to […]
Fighting to Understand: Company Culture and Perspective
by Josh McAfee What is the quickest way to tear down communication, divide teams, and drive off talented employees? Conflict. There can be many causes of conflict and some can be more detrimental to the success of your team and company than others. One of the top contenders for causing the most discord and one […]
How can CEOs invite more women into the C-Suite?
Collaborated on by Jane Gentry, Jennifer McKenna, Jessica Bowers, and Josh McAfee When you look around many C-suites, you start noticing that those executive chairs are mostly filled with men. Despite women being vital members of the workforce since the 1940s and being 50.5% of the total population of the United States, they only represent […]
How can women build executive presence?
Collaborated on by Jane Gentry, Jennifer McKenna, Jessica Bowers, and Josh McAfee Since World War II, women have been actively contributing to the workplace. So why don’t we see more women in executive roles over seven decades later? After meeting scores of people, both candidates working on their career and business leaders growing their companies, […]
Does your company have hemorrhoids?
By Josh McAfee I want to talk about hemorrhoids. I know it sounds weird, but the reality is that every company has something or someone that’s a pain in the butt. It could be a person, process, or client. Who or what in your company comes to mind when I say hemorrhoid? These hemorrhoids have […]
The Secrets to Attracting, Retaining, and Motivating Great Employees
By Carrie Vruno, John Duisberg, and Josh McAfee The market has been roiling and it’s crushing some companies when it comes to attracting, keeping, and motivating top talent. Even when things flip again, elements of the new normal won’t be going away. The mindset of workers has shifted fundamentally. They’re placing a higher priority on […]
Should you fire your employer?
By Josh McAfee Sometimes comfortable is a bad thing. I find that people who get comfortable in a situation often stop looking for opportunities to grow. They’ll settle into what they do and often settle for less than they should. If you find yourself in that situation, then you’re capable of doing more. That’s assuming […]
The Importance of Candidate Experience
By Josh McAfee You invest substantial resources and time into attracting and identifying top talent. With so much going on in the marketplace, it’s incredibly difficult to get the attention of the quality candidates you need to fill job roles and grow your business. There’s nothing more frustrating than a wasted investment. I’ve found that […]