Case Study: How a small business can effectively spend recruiting dollars

Small tech business growing team executive search recruiting recruiter

“If you’re looking to maximize recruiting dollars, Humans Doing has the expertise to deploy efforts to maximize investment.” ~Phillip Naples

No matter the size of your company or the amount of capital you have, you’ll have complicated hiring needs. Phillip Naples, Founder and CEO of Layr, knew that intimately. 

Tech Company Recruiting Hiring Executive Growing Small Business

Layr provides a web and mobile platform to provide and simplify insurance coverage for small businesses that aligns with their cash flow and individual needs. To meet a growing demand, they were looking to expand their tech team. Unfortunately they were having a hard time attracting the quality candidates they needed to fill their empty positions. 

The top talent out there is easily pulled to large companies that can afford to pay for high visibility hiring campaigns and greater visibility. It can feel impossible for a small company to be seen in the job market. Phillip knew they needed to amplify their efforts if they were ever going to attract candidates. Unfortunately, recruiting companies are slammed thanks to The Great Resignation, leading to prohibitively high recruiting fees and limited attention to the needs of startups and small businesses. 

With a well respected reputation for excellence, Phillip turned to Josh McAfee and the team at Humans Doing. Their recruiting expertise, knowledge of the tech field, and innovative Recruiting as a Service (RaaS) subscription model gave Layr the support they needed. 

Phillip was initially hesitant about RaaS. Any freshly minted concept can often have unexpected bugs and Layr didn’t have the time or budget to be a test subject. Once they got started though, they discovered that this approach not only operated more efficiently than the traditional success model, but with the added benefits of aligning incentives and smoothing cash flow. Humans Doing felt like an extension of Layr. 

Hiring Top Talent Find Great Candidates Recruiting Recruiter Job Openings

Recruiting in today’s world demands that you stay agile and move quickly if you hope to attract quality candidates. Unfortunately, like any small business, the leaders of Layr played many roles. It was easy to get too busy to pay attention to recruiting. Through a weekly cadence, the Humans Doing team was able to keep the process going strong without taxing Phillip and his team. 

On the hunt for a highly skilled CTO that could continue to help Layr rapidly grow, Humans Doing worked closely with Phillip to identify the right credentials, background, and expertise they were looking for. Through diligence and attention to detail, they were able to dig into areas with each candidate that you normally don’t get to explore until after the hire. That ensured a  perfect fit for their company culture and growth needs.

Recruiting as a Service (RaaS) proved to be a unique approach that modernizes recruiting and makes it more accessible for any startup or small business. Talk to Humans Doing today about a partnership that will save you money while providing you with high quality candidates when you need them. 

Humans Doing Recruiting Recruiter Hiring Job Search Candidate Resumes

Humans Doing is an expert team of highly skilled recruiters specializing in filling critical tech and leadership positions for growing companies. Our greatest measure of success is the success of our clients and the candidates we place with them. We help people make great hiring and career decisions. Our team is ready to partner with you to find the right people for the right roles.

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