Are you suffering from the “OK, Boomers?”

Generational Divide at Work Boomer Millennial Gen Z Gen X Hiring Recruiting

By Josh McAfee Generational divides and tension have become a cliché. From “get off my lawn” to “kids these days…” to “ok, boomer,” there have been unintentional walls thrown up between people grouped together by the date on their birth certificates.  Unfortunately, those walls can block us from finding talent or maximizing our careers.  Recently, […]

8 reasons you’re not getting the job offer you want

By Josh McAfee & Maurice Morgan You can put a lot of time and effort into a job hunt. From writing the perfect resume to polishing your online image, there’s a lot that goes into preparing before you ever send an application. After all that effort, you’re rewarded with the elation/dread of the interview.  Interviewing […]