Navigating a Layoff? 10 Tips of the Trade from Josh McAfee

I’ve been asked a few times to share some thoughts on navigating a layoff and Hailey finally forced me to make the time for this. Here are some thoughts that have been impactful to people in this situation.  Keep your cool. Don’t burn any bridges. It sucks, but don’t make it suck more.  Don’t be […]

Are you suffering from the “OK, Boomers?”

Generational Divide at Work Boomer Millennial Gen Z Gen X Hiring Recruiting

By Josh McAfee Generational divides and tension have become a cliché. From “get off my lawn” to “kids these days…” to “ok, boomer,” there have been unintentional walls thrown up between people grouped together by the date on their birth certificates.  Unfortunately, those walls can block us from finding talent or maximizing our careers.  Recently, […]

How to Need Recruiters Less

Interview Hiring Recruiting Recruiter Tech Small Business Jobs Growing Company

By Josh McAfee What if I told you that you may not need a recruiter at all? That may seem like strange advice coming from a recruiting company, especially considering the job market. The hiring process has gotten complicated and competitive. Catching the attention of the good candidates you actually need is a daunting and […]

Should you fire your employer?

Now Hiring Jobs Board Apply Opportunity Promotion Recruiter Find a Job Career

By Josh McAfee Sometimes comfortable is a bad thing. I find that people who get comfortable in a situation often stop looking for opportunities to grow. They’ll settle into what they do and often settle for less than they should.  If you find yourself in that situation, then you’re capable of doing more. That’s assuming […]

Case Study: How a small business can effectively spend recruiting dollars

Small tech business growing team executive search recruiting recruiter

“If you’re looking to maximize recruiting dollars, Humans Doing has the expertise to deploy efforts to maximize investment.” ~Phillip Naples No matter the size of your company or the amount of capital you have, you’ll have complicated hiring needs. Phillip Naples, Founder and CEO of Layr, knew that intimately.  Layr provides a web and mobile […]

Should you write your own resume?

Recruiting Hiring Tech Recruiter Small Business Growing Company Executive Leadership

By Josh McAfee   There are plenty of times where you need an expert. Someone with more experience and deeper knowledge than you’ll ever have about something. I definitely wouldn’t attempt to rebuild an engine or perform brain surgery.    When you’re eager to find the perfect job, writing an eye catching resume may sometimes […]

Case Study: Its Like Netflix for Recruiting

What is six months of your time worth?  That’s how long Mark Amick, COO at BCM One, had been on the hunt for a crucial engineering role. That was six months of juggling his own job with additional duties all while combing through countless resumes. Indeed and the other usual channels weren’t working like he’d […]

8 reasons you’re not getting the job offer you want

By Josh McAfee & Maurice Morgan You can put a lot of time and effort into a job hunt. From writing the perfect resume to polishing your online image, there’s a lot that goes into preparing before you ever send an application. After all that effort, you’re rewarded with the elation/dread of the interview.  Interviewing […]

What secrets are your recruiters keeping?

Now Hiring Resumes How to get a job write resume Indeed Careers Interview

It’s never been more costly or time consuming to recruit good talent. Are you getting the most bang for your buck? Recruiting can get expensive quickly and that price tag has only gotten higher with increased competition for the limited supply of great candidates (there are always bad one’s available). Whether it’s done internally or […]