What is Recruitment as a Service (RaaS)?

Recruiting as a Service (RaaS) is transforming the traditional hiring landscape.: While once effective, traditional recruitment methods such as newspaper ads and manual screening have become less effective in addressing today’s complex job market demands. RaaS offers a solution to these challenges by streamlining the hiring process and ensuring a better fit between candidates and […]

Trailblazing a Different Approach to Recruiting

We get asked regularly about our RaaS (Recruiting as a Service) model and what problem it’s solving. Maurice, Hailey, and I thought it’d be a good idea to share a little about this in our newsletter. #onlyslightlyshamless A few years ago, I asked a group of ATL Tech leaders what they didn’t like about working […]

How to Need Recruiters Less

Interview Hiring Recruiting Recruiter Tech Small Business Jobs Growing Company

By Josh McAfee What if I told you that you may not need a recruiter at all? That may seem like strange advice coming from a recruiting company, especially considering the job market. The hiring process has gotten complicated and competitive. Catching the attention of the good candidates you actually need is a daunting and […]

How to find ACCURATE Salary Info

salary compensation package offer new hire recruiting recruiter manager

By Josh McAfee     It’s hard not to cringe when salary and compensation comes up in any conversation. Not only can it be a difficult topic, but understanding what is fair in the market can be hard to determine. Companies don’t want to overpay and candidates don’t want to be underpaid. You’d think you […]

Case Study: How a small business can effectively spend recruiting dollars

Small tech business growing team executive search recruiting recruiter

“If you’re looking to maximize recruiting dollars, Humans Doing has the expertise to deploy efforts to maximize investment.” ~Phillip Naples No matter the size of your company or the amount of capital you have, you’ll have complicated hiring needs. Phillip Naples, Founder and CEO of Layr, knew that intimately.  Layr provides a web and mobile […]

Case Study: Growing in a post-Covid world

Interview Hiring Recruiting Recruiter Tech Small Business Jobs Growing Company

How do you rapidly grow a company that’s retracted thanks to the pandemic? It’s a question that CTO Eric Schrock and other members of Jvion’s leadership were asking by the end of 2020.  Jvion started up in 2011. Their mission is to leverage AI to provide prescriptive analytics to healthcare companies. Organizations could use the […]

Case Study: Its Like Netflix for Recruiting

What is six months of your time worth?  That’s how long Mark Amick, COO at BCM One, had been on the hunt for a crucial engineering role. That was six months of juggling his own job with additional duties all while combing through countless resumes. Indeed and the other usual channels weren’t working like he’d […]